產品型號:XBA-10/N 隨機附件:混合矽膠耳塞:SS(紅色) x2,S(橙色) x2,MS(黃色) x2,M(綠色)(出廠時安裝至本裝置) x2,ML(藍色) x2,L(淺藍色) x2,LL(紫色) x2 / 噪音隔離耳塞:S(橙色) x2,M(綠色) x2,L(淺藍色) x2 / 導線長度調節器(導線最多纏繞 50 cm) ...
Sony XBA動鐵式系列 - Sony Store, Online(Hong Kong) 全新Sony XBA動鐵式耳機系列現正登場!由Sony自家研發的嶄新動鐵式技術,擁有極致靈敏度及完美降噪功能,加上雙層外殼模組及全新的隱藏設計,用家更能無束縛地享受細膩動人的音樂。快點來體驗嶄新技術帶給您的極致享受啦!
SONY新力XBA-1 平衡電樞全音域耳機- PChome線上購物- 24h 購物 ☆SONY平衡電樞☆ SONY新力XBA-1 平衡電樞全音域耳機. □優異音質的精湛設計 □清晰出色的人聲表現 □一重平衡電樞驅動單體 □雙層外殼減少環境噪音
行動影音- [聽感分享]Sony XBA系列- 影音討論區- Mobile01 純粹聽感分享,以下聽感沒上耳擴(先說我不是什麼神耳,自己去聽才是最重要)XBA-1 最平淡的一個,人...
Sony XBA-1 Earphones Review: A Practical Design - YouTube 2013年3月2日 - 6 分鐘 - 上傳者:lachlanlikesathing An in-ear with a comfortable design and decent sound quality. ○ Support my videos! http://www ...
Sony XBA-1 Balanced Armature Headphones-1 Driver - Micro-size, full-range driver units deliver detailed and transparent sound reproduction; Double layer housing for smooth frequency response; Long-term comfort ...
[REVIEW] Sony XBA-1 and XBA-4 - Head-Fi It isn't until 2008 that EX700 marked the return of Sony to the higher end ... Same can be said to the accessories – XBA-1, being the entry model ...
Sony XBA-1 Balanced Armature Headphones-1 Driver - Head-Fi Sony XBA Series Review and Comparison (XBA-1, 2, 3, 4). 10. Trying to choose between Shure SE series or the Sony XBA series. 170. [REVIEW] Sony XBA-1 ...
In-Ear Headphones - XBA1 Review - Sony US Shop and review the Sony XBA1 In-Ear Headphones at